Our Mission

We are a Christ-centered, Kingdom-principled congregation moving in the momentum of God.  A people who are called to be Sons, because “Jesus is the first-fruit of many brothers"; a spiritual family who are in covenant relationship with the Father.  A generation who is called to rule and reign together with Jesus in heavenly places as kings & priests.   Kings who understand and operate from the Divine nature of God that dwells within the heart of a surrendered worshiper; they move in kingship from a Godly perspective and character.  We are to be a demonstration  of the righteousness of God in the pure and eternal love of our Father.  The revelatory word in action as we are to “be the living epistles to be read of all men".

We are radical, passionate worshippers and intercessors on  the loose upon the face of  the earth declaring His word of life, intentional in our faith.  There is a command, a decree that inspires our existence to release the Kingdom of God here on the earth NOW.  “Let Your Kingdom come, let your will be done here on earth as it is in Heaven".

We believe that worship and prayer are the portals of heaven, therefore ushering in heaven on  earth, bringing into visible manifestation the Kingdom of God

Diversity will be found here as we are a multi-cultural gathering place, a cooperate expression of the Son, for the Lord is a many faceted Presence.

Salvation is through Jesus Christ, the Son of God,  the incarnated Word.  He is the  redemption of mankind through the blood sacrifice motivated by His love for His creation.

We are a congregation  who releases all agendas for the reign and freedom of the Spirit of the Lord; His Presence a priority in our midst

The apostolic & prophetic giftings are operational at ROL, strong and accurate in their release for the purpose of building, edifying and encouraging of His people to thrust them into their destiny in God.

The five fold governmental gifts, “apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher" are an essential part of the Body of Christ for the purpose of equipping, training, and bringing maturity.

All in the Body, who are surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus Christ are springs, fountains, and rivers of living water to break forth HIS life, “For out of our bellies shall flow out rivers of living water"….Purpose…..to replenish, to refresh, to bring changes as God’s grace empowers and compels us to fulfill the commission.

You will find the worshiping arts being displayed  to the fullest extent as God unfold His beauty in every avenue of artistic expression….music, song, dance, poetry, the spoken word, drama, painting.. “For all things came from Him, and is by him and is for HIM for the praise of His Name"

We are a Three Day Movement of God, signifying that your experience at ROLWI will be outer, inner and a most holy place journey.  Body, soul and spirit evolution and death burial and resurrection transformation in our life in Christ Jesus
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