Awaken 2 Life (A2L) – A2L=Awaken to Life Ministry – Youth & young adults awakening to a purpose in God and being intentional in their faith in Christ. The tools of the trade are prayer, worship, word and leadership training with the mission to bring change by the presence of God.

Mission Statement Scripture:Psalm 57:8
“Awake, my glory (my inner self); awake, harp and lyre! I will awake right early [I will awaken the dawn]"

Lets awaken the inner glory Of Christ within us and change one heart at a time!  Special youth and young adult gatherings of worship and collaborative fellowship of youth ministries in the city.  Special events for outreach, workshops, and shut in to help form the young generation of worshipers of Christ on the earth. – -A2L Discipleship Studies for the growing young person!  Directors: Samuel & Jennifer Oquendo

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